Filets are my favorite type of bison to cook because of how juicy and tender they are. The filet takes patience hard work, but a juicy steak is always worth it to your taste buds! There aren't many ingredients needed to make a delicious filet, so you can focus on basting your bison nice and slow for the perfect steak.
Bison filet mignon
Garlic (2 cloves, finely chopped)
Bring the filet out of the fridge and coat with salt and pepper, then let sit until at room temperature.
In a pan, add some butter and turn the pan on high.
Once the pan is smoking, sear your bison filet on all sides, then turn the pan down to medium-low.
Add butter and garlic to the pan and tilt the pan to one side, then spoon the mixture on top of the steaks.
Cover the pan and let the bison cook while occasionally spooning more butter onto the filet.
Once the bison reaches ~10 degrees below your desired temperature, take the steak out of the pan and cover it lightly in foil for about 5 - 10 minutes.
Unwrap the filet and you're ready to eat!
Rare: 115-120 degrees
Medium Rare: 121-129 degrees
Medium: 130-135 degrees
Contact us on the web, email us at meat@jjbison.com, or call us at (443) 252 - 2099 to order your bison today!